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Systemic Enzymes

L-serine supplement: essential for the nervous system

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Systemic Enzymes is an enzyme complex that acts throughout the body, providing multiple benefits for human health.
  • Compensates for age-related enzyme deficiencies.
  • Has anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulant properties.
  • Purifies and promotes fluidity of the blood.
  • Packaged in gastro-resistant capsules to protect the enzymes from stomach acidity, ensure their optimal release in the intestine, and increase their effectiveness.

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100 Gastro-Res. Caps.

46.00 €


100 Gastro-Res. Caps.

46.00 €

42.32 €

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Systemic Enzymes

No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

Systemic Enzymes contains systemic enzymes that split proteins into shorter amino acid chains, thus conferring multiple health benefits, including soothing and purifying effects, now available to buy at Supersmart. As enzymes are vulnerable to degradation by stomach acids, Systemic Enzymes now comes in gastro-resistant capsules which ensure optimum efficacy and bioavailability, the enzymes being absorbed in the small intestine where they pass directly into the bloodstream.

Why take Systemic Enzymes?

An enzyme is a biological catalyst, a molecule that increases by up to several million the speed at which metabolic reactions take place in cellular and extracellular environments. Almost 3000 enzymes generate over 7000 enzymatic reactions in the body. Enzymes are particularly associated with, but not limited to, digestive function. “Systemic” means that they act throughout the body, providing multiple benefits for human health. This wide-spectrum enzyme complex can compensate for the enzyme deficiency we see with advancing age:

  • Peptidases break proteins peptide bonds, and participate in protein maturation, food digestion, blood coagulation and tissue remodelling during the body's development and healing processes.
  • Chymotrypsin and trypsin hydrolyse the majority of proteins and work synergistically with endogenous enzymes. They boost digestion, the immune system and cardiovascular health.
  • Pancreatin is a mixture of several digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas (amylase, lipase and protease) which helps in treating certain food allergies and auto-immune diseases as well as in losing weight.
  • Bromelain and papain are plant proteolytic enzymes. Bromelain is recognised for its ability to reduce inflammation and swelling. Papain is also used to counter plaque, treat oedema and inflammatory processes as well as to reduce post-operative swelling and adhesions.

What are the benefits associated to Systemic Enzymes?

  • They have powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relief properties, without the side-effects of drugs with similar properties (NSAIDs).
  • Stimulate internal defences to protect the joints from degeneration.
  • Purify and promote fluidity of the blood by regulating the amount of fibrin in the blood.
  • Have an immuno-modulatory effect by activating macrophages and improving their infection-fighting capacity.
  • Help accelerate post-exercise recovery.
  • Promote wound-healing.
  • Stimulate drug efficacy (particularly chemotherapy).
  • Improves rheumatoid arthritis and all other inflammatory disorders of the joints, shoulders, knees, back among others.
  • Offer benefits following minor surgery (dental or ophthalmic) or more major operations.
  • Improves pancreatitis, inducing moderate secretion of enzymes.

Buy Systemic Enzymes capsules for powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

What is in Systemic Enzymes

Pancreatin NF 10X

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What other supplements might interest you?

As well as supplementing with Systemic Enzymes, you may find these other nutritional supplements of interest too.

Discover the properties of Curcumin Solution, the most bioavailable form of curcumin on the market. See also Luteolin, a natural supplement for fighting oxidative stress.

What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.


This product is rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
There are 9 reviews






Excellent 9 Reviews
Marie Pierre

august 19 2024

Bon produit pour les voies digestives.

Good product for the digestive tract.

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march 19 2024

Bien constituer en enzymes, mais si problème important il n'agit que très peu .

Well formulated with enzymes, but if there is a significant problem, it has very little effect.

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november 28 2023

Alors le problème c'est que il est bien composer , mais est ce qui a tout dans cette capsule je ne pense pas , la pancreatin fait le même travail pour moins cher et il n'y a que de la pancreatin .
Il faut aussi voir le stockage qui peut détruire la qualité du produit est cela on ne peut le savoir et le voir .
En tout cas il fonctionne au bout de 3 semaine en générale et bien prendre 1h avant ou même juste avant manger comme l'eurobiol ou le creon .
Il est aussi efficace que un médicament mais pour moi il nya pas tout dans cette gellule car les effet aurait été décupler, surtout prendre un antiacide car l'estomac brûle rapidement les gellules et ne feront pas les effets vraiment .
Surtout être suivi par un professionnel de gastro enterologie ou nutritionniste si vous avez des gros problèmes de santé sur le pancreas , duodénum et estomac .
Ne pas en prendre surtout quand vous n êtes pas sur de vos problèmes digestifs car les enzymes remplacent vos vrais enzymes donc ils font leur travail à leur place et cela n'est pas recommander faut les prendre pour une insuffisance pancreatique ou biliaire pour aider à digérer et améliorer l'absorption ce complément et destiner à cela pas pour l'estomac ni l'intestin ou pour les fêtes ou crises de foie , c'est pas un complément comme les vitamines sa reste plus un côté médical sur des problèmes de pancreas et ou biliaire et dans ce cas consulter et confirmer par imageries ou test elastase , trypsine , chymotrypsine ou test de vidange pancreato biliaire ne jamais les prendre pour autres choses car cela va inactiver les enzymes pancreas que lui produit et je préfère le dire car on remplace pas son pancreas par des enzymes sa aide mais c'est tout .
En tout il marche autant que le creon ou leurobiol voir même mieux quand c'est dosé comme il le faut mais sa soigne pas et nullement une pathologie sous jacente.
Je le recommande pour ceux qui on vraiment un problème de pancreas et de bile rien d'autres par contre supersmart font pour l'estomac ou l'intestin la peptidase ou lactase mais encore une fois faire des test on ne remplace pas ces organes et ces propres enzymes fonctionnels par des enzymes de complément ou médicaments , cela inactivera ou réduira le travail de votre pancreas ou de bile et ces organes doivent fonctionner bien .
En tout cas supersmart et une bonne marque ce produit aussi il est aussi efficace que le médicament mais ne résout pas les problèmes sous jacents et n'est pas destiner pour des gens en bonne santé par ce que ils ont trop manger ou des crampes ou des remonter acides il ya d'autres compléments plus adéquates , surtout c'est très important de lire cela car moi j'ai une insuffisance pancreatique et je pleur pour le voir fonctionner comme avant donc prenait le si vraiment le creon ou leurobiol ne fonctionne pas et vous verrez il agit mieux et aussi le pancreatin .

So the problem is that it is well composed, but does it have everything in this capsule? I don't think so. Pancreatin does the same job for less money and it only contains pancreatin. You also have to consider storage, which can destroy the quality of the product, and this we cannot know or see. In any case, it works after about 3 weeks generally, and you should take it 1 hour before or even just before eating, like Eurobiol or Creon. It is as effective as a medication, but for me, not everything is in this capsule because the effects would have been amplified. Especially take an antacid because the stomach quickly burns the capsules and they won't have the real effects. It's important to be followed by a gastroenterology professional or nutritionist if you have major health problems with the pancreas, duodenum, and stomach. Do not take it especially when you are not sure of your digestive problems because the enzymes replace your real enzymes, so they do their work instead, and this is not recommended. You should take them for pancreatic or biliary insufficiency to help digest and improve absorption; this supplement is intended for that, not for the stomach or intestines or for festive occasions or liver crises. It's not a supplement like vitamins; it remains more on the medical side for pancreas and/or biliary problems, and in this case, consult and confirm with imaging or tests like elastase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, or pancreaticobiliary drainage tests. Never take them for other things because it will inactivate the enzymes that your pancreas produces, and I prefer to say this because you don't replace your pancreas with enzymes; it helps, but that's all. Overall, it works as well as Creon or Eurobiol, maybe even better when dosed correctly, but it does not cure any underlying pathology. I recommend it for those who really have a pancreas and bile problem, nothing else. However, Supersmart makes products for the stomach or intestines like peptidase or lactase, but again, do tests; you don't replace these organs and their functional enzymes with supplement enzymes or medications, as this will inactivate or reduce the work of your pancreas or bile, and these organs must function well. In any case, Supersmart is a good brand, and this product is also effective as a medication but does not resolve underlying problems and is not intended for healthy people who have overeaten or have cramps or acid reflux. There are other more suitable supplements for that. It's very important to read this because I have pancreatic insufficiency, and I cry to see it work as before, so take it if Creon or Eurobiol really don't work, and you will see it acts better, as does pancreatin.

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october 24 2023

très efficace !

very effective!

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september 28 2023

En plus du pancreatin 1 gélule de chaque à chaque repas , attendre 10 min avant de manger et le résultat est là au bout de 2 à 4 semaine sur prise quotidienne

In addition to pancreatin, take 1 capsule of each at every meal, wait 10 minutes before eating, and the result is noticeable after 2 to 4 weeks of daily use.

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