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Cycloastragenol supplement: antioxidant & rejuvenating

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Extract of astragalus standardised to 98% cycloastragenol

  • Similar chemical structure to astragaloside IV, but with much better bioavailability.
  • High quality, 100% vegan supplement, free from synthetic additives.
  • Contains an exceptional saponin – cycloastragenol – which has generated highly-promising scientific studies.
  • Naturally extracted from astragalus, an adaptogen tonic which plays an active role in regenerating skin and which supports physical well-being.
  • Standardised to 98% for unrivalled efficacy.

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30 Veg. Caps.

89.00 €


30 Veg. Caps.

89.00 €

81.88 €

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No controversial excipients
No sweeteners

Cycloastragenol 98% is an astragalus supplement standardised to 98% cycloastragenol, a widely-studied molecule and an ideal candidate for the pharmacopeia of tomorrow. A tonic and adaptogen, it supports physical and mental well-being.

What is astragalus and what are its effects?

Astragalus is a perennial plant native to China which is part of the legume family. Its amazing nutritional composition is the reason why it is attracting so much scientific interest. It contains, in particular, (1-3):

  • Good-quality flavonoids: astragalin, isoflavonoids (metabolised into daidzein), formononetin, ononin, calycosin…
  • Remarkable saponosides: astragaloside (I to IV) and its more absorbable derivative, cycloastragenol.
  • Interesting lineages and sterols: lariciresinol, syringaresinol, sitosterol, daucosterol…

Its effects, however, are primarily due to its high content of saponosides, particularly cycloastragenol. That’s why our supplement is standardised to 98% of this compound with highly-promising properties. The scientific literature has highlighted several distinct effects:

  • its support for physical well-being;
  • its tonic properties for mental health (4-5) ;
  • its role in regenerating the skin;
  • its role in maintaining normal blood pressure.

In traditional medicine, it has been used for thousands of years by Hindus to “boost vital energy and increase the body’s resistance”.

Who is Cycloastragenol 98% aimed at?

Cycloastragenol 98% – taken either as a course or over more prolonged periods – is targeted at anyone over 40, particularly those keen to stay in good shape physically and mentally as they age.

What is in Cycloastragenol

Molecule / Molecular complex

Any questions?

Are there any contraindications for taking Cycloastragenol 98%?

Because of its properties, astragalus should be used with caution by those receiving immune-suppressant therapy. It is not recommended for anyone allergic to plants from the Fabaceae family, or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

No other contraindications have been reported (6).

Synergistic supplements to take alongside Cycloastragenol 98%

In parallel with your course of Cycloastragenol 98%, we’d recommend considering the following supplements :

  • Astragaloside IV, also from astragalus, to cover a wider spectrum of the plant’s activity, or to alternate with Cycloastragenol 98%. As yet, there is insufficient data to be able to recommend taking both these products together, every day, for prolonged periods. However, no intolerance has been reported so far.
  • Senolytic Complex, a revolutionary formulation with a high content of fisetin, the most powerful natural senolytic compound ever identified, and of phytosomal quercetin, 20 times more absorbable than standard quercetin. This best-selling product is based on the most recent research in the field of senotherapy.

You can also opt for the more potent version of this supplement, CycloAstragenol Maximum Strength 98%, with a rarely available, 2.5 times higher dose which, though more expensive, offers even greater efficacy.

Anti-ageing tips to restrict the rate of senescence

It is not yet possible to push back the ageing process indefinitely but there are ways of containing it. Science has identified a number of the biological mechanisms involved (oxidative stress, DNA damage, shortening of telomeres, inflammation ...). To give yourself the best possible chance of staying young for as long as possible, we recommend adopting the following measures alongside supplementing with Cycloastragenol 98%:

  • Make sure you get as many antioxidants as possible from your diet. Generally-speaking, highly-coloured foods contain the most, so eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want.
  • Take regular exercise. Moderately-intense physical activity helps to fight against ageing and its associated diseases.
  • Take time to breathe. Stress is known to accelerate ageing, particularly ageing of the brain.
  • Drink plenty of water. Cellular imbalance caused by dehydration can increase the long-term risk of age-related diseases. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to reach for that glass of water: drink regularly, at least a litre and a half of fluid a day – more if you’re physically active.
  • Stimulate your brain. Mental exercises (maths, memory or logic puzzles ...) have been shown to reduce age-related loss of cognitive ability.
What are the capsules in this product made of?

This product’s capsules are composed of HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), a plant substance derived from cellulose. HPMC is widely used for medicines and dietary supplements. It contains no animal ingredients, is recognised as safe by health authorities and is considered more sustainable than synthetic alternatives.


This product is rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
There are 6 reviews






Excellent 6 Reviews
Frédéric Heim

august 27 2023

This help me I'm sur, need to be used mutliple years for seen the real effect !

Maria Klambatsea

june 20 2023

We feel energetic , the appearance is fresher , the skin plenty of light !amelioration of certain health problems .


december 1 2023



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Bernard Michel

november 29 2023

totalement satisfait

completely satisfied

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Marc Rousselet (france)

november 25 2023

Les produits a ingérer pour améliorer la qualité de la peau sont légion. Il semblerait que cette formule soit la bonne pour mon type de peau, mais il est encore trop tôt pour le confirmer. Prudence.

The products to ingest for improving skin quality are numerous. It seems that this formula is the right one for my skin type, but it is still too early to confirm. Caution.

see the translation Translated by SuperSmart - see the original

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